Waloon Oak (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne)
Quercus ithaburensis can grow 20 meters. Walloon oak grows in open forests in Turkey and Greece. Acorn cups had been used for human and animal food in the Stone Age. Acorn caps dad been used for textile, leather dyeing and leather tanning in the ancient and historical times.
Acorn cups of Walloon oak are using for dyeing. Acorn cups are using for grey or black colors. Collected acorn cups include coloring compounds more or less in the everywhere. But acorn cups of included less coloring compounds are not obtained grey or black colors. Quality of acorn cups are the most important for good dyeing and especially grey and black colors with Walloon oak.
Known as in English Valonia oak and Walloonoak, German Valonea eiche and French Chene vélani names with black color naturel dyestuff.